Saturday, May 28, 2016

Week 4 Wednesday Weigh in and the beginning of summer!

My trainer will not be happy that I'm still doing Wednesday Weigh ins. He told me I needed to throw the scale away,  pay more attention to how I'm feeling, and how my clothes are fitting. He says the scale has too much power over people and that, that number can dictate how you feel the whole day. Have a great number in the morning and you're in a great mood and if you have a bad number it can ruin your mood for the day. I get where he is coming from, but I'm not the type of person that really cares about the number. I just like having it to keep me in check. I know that my weight can bounce around 5 to 7 lbs in one day. Not to get tooooooooo personal but I also know that lost more than the scale is saying this week because a little visitor came to visit for 3 to 5 days this week, if ya know what I mean, lol.  So this is my week 4 weigh in 

WHOOOHOOOO Down 1 lbs this week!!! Like I said though I think it could be a little more because I always weigh 2 to 3 more pounds around this time of the month. 

This past week has been super crazy for our family. Not only was it my husband's 34th birthday, but also our oldest son's last week of school. My little man is now a 3rd grader! 

I was really proud of myself this week! I went to the gym everyday (But Sunday, Sundays are my rest day), logged everyday in Myfitnesspal, and did intermediate fasting 100%. Iron Family, this is the longest I've been 100% with myself! In addition to the gym we've also gone on family walks to different area parks. I tried my hand at jogging, something I haven't done in a loooooong time. I was slow but it felt amazing to do it again. My husband was sneaky and took a photo of me while I was jogging. He had the two babies in the stroller behind me.  I really like the photo and wanted to put an inspirational saying on it. This is what I came up with. 

I will be writing more frequently now that school is out for all of us and I will have more time. 

Until next time, Stay strong Iron Family 

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