Thursday, May 5, 2016

A little PR today!!!

      Today was my first day back in the gym after a loooooong break. Okay, more like a few months hiatus. A new 24 hour  facility just opened up down the road and I decided to check them out instead of making the 30 minute commute to my normal gym. They are offering a 30 day trial so I decided to take them up on it. It's a nice place for a "I don't want to make the drive" kinda day, but would I become a paying I prefer a certain gym atmosphere and this place was lacking that. I love gyms where you hear the banging of weights, the music is loud, and people are pumped with pre-workout. There's nothing wrong with this gym or other gyms like this, I just have my own preference.  

     Today's workout was back and chest. I had 2 PR's today! I was able to use 50 lb dumbbells for my incline chest press and 60 lb barbell for my bent over rows!! My biggest fear from not going to the gym was losing strength. I'm so thankful that, that didn't happen. I did some cardio on the stairmaster (I do actually like their stairmaster better than my gym's), treadmill, and bike. I get pretty bored with cardio, so I get through it by changing up machines and watching YouTube videos.  

   It's FINALLY getting somewhat nice out where we live! I get cabin fever so bad when it's gross out. It's been either cold or raining here for a few weeks. Today it reached almost 60 degrees so my husband and I took all the kids to the walking trail after our oldest was out of school. Our oldest likes to jog, so I jogged with him a little while my husband pushed the double stroller.   

   Now that the end of spring semester is over, I have a chance to read for pleasure. I bought a book on Whole 30 that is packed with recipes I want to try. I'm thinking about trying them and writing a review. I also bought Extreme Transformation written by Chris and Heidi Powell that I want to read as well. 

  I want to give a shout out to my first 3 followers!!!! Thank you Ladies :-) 

Until the next blog, Stay Strong Iron Family! 

You are Strong and 12 More Habits for Busy Moms:

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