Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Wednesday Weigh in Week 2

       Welcome to week 2 of Wednesday Weigh In.  The first week back on track has been pretty good. There has been a few slip ups when it came to food choices. However, right now my goal is to eat on track 80% of the time. I am human and I know there will be errors. I have been staying active in either taking the boys for walks or hitting the gym. There were only 2 days in the past week that I didn't get some sort of activity in.  With that being said here is this weeks results.......

WHOOOHOOOO!!!! Down 4 lbs and sooo close to being out of the 300's

       Next week, I  start back with a trainer. Caleb was my trainer before I went on this downward spinal. He is an awesome trainer and makes me realize that I am so much stronger than I give myself credit for. He pushes me past my comfort zone and that's where amazing things happen. 

                Don't be discouraged or fearful...step out on faith and make your dreams come true.   Join my team and I will show you how it's done

      I am stepping out of my comfort zone on my blog as well. In most cases, I refused to have my photo taken from below my chest. I have decided to post some before photos on here.

The first two photos are me at my heaviest weight. I was anywhere from 315 to 320 at my heaviest. 

I never noticed back then how large my arms where. They are larger than a 4 year old's waist! 

 This was taken at a good friend's wedding. I thought looked "thin." Wow can the eyes play tricks on us!  I remember being so hot and uncomfortable in this dress.  It was a hot muggy day and underneath this dress I have on a spanx tank and shorts. I did everything I could to look thinner. 

This last set of photos I just took yesterday in my gym's bathroom of all places, lol.  This is where I am as of right now. I think I may start taking monthly progress photos. I know it's hard to see your own body's progress and I like the idea of being able to document changes. 


I promise next month's photo will be better. This was a spur of the moment idea while I was doing cardio. 

Until next time, Stay strong Iron Family! 

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