Sunday, May 15, 2016

Getting out of your comfort zone and social anxiety

      I seen a photo a while ago online that read,  "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." As someone who suffers from social anxiety, sometimes that first step out can be scary. I'm fine when I have people I know around me, but I get attacks when I go out alone to do unfamiliar things. I didn't always have these attacks and they increased along with my waistline. The more uncomfortable I became with myself, the more uncomfortable I became in social situations. A lot of it stems down to me feeling like every person I come across is judging me for my size. I know it sounds silly and most strangers could care less about what I look like. I think it comes down to that bullied little girl that still lives within me. 

     So in conjunction with losing weight, I'm also trying to push barriers and live more outside of my comfort zone. Last night was my first test. My trainer told me last week that he was competing and that I should go to the show to help get inspired again. I really wanted to go but knew that if none of my friends wanted to go (my husband had to stay home with the boys), I'd have to go alone. Well, Saturday had come and everyone had plans. I knew I wanted to go and had posted to my trainer that I would be at the night show. Thankfully I have a husband that understands that sometimes I need pushed out of that comfort zone and so lovingly does. Sometimes I just need to talk things through with him to give me the confidence I need. So I got myself ready and kissed the family as I walked out the door. 

     Now onto the fun part.......

    It seemed like there were anxiety triggers all around me not wanting me to go to the show, lol. The show was only 25 minutes away and I left with plenty of time. So I get there and I miss my turn, no big deal, I know this town and know of other areas I can park. So I park 3 blocks away not thinking anything of it. The shoes I wore are a little big on see where this is going don't you.......and start rubbing my heel......hello blisters. I get there and something told me on the way I should have stopped by the ATM to get money out. Did I listen to my instinct, of course not, lol. I get there and it's cash only. No big deal, my bank has a branch just a block down. I'll walk down there and get cash out. So I walk, hobble, down to the bank. I get to the's not working. Someone jammed the ATM. At this point I call my husband almost in tears.....It starts to drizzle. Really I mean REALLY!?!?!?! I told him the situation. Him being the calm and rational one, calmly tells me that it's okay for me to use another banks ATM even though there's a fee. So luckily there's another bank across the street. So I hobble, gimp across the street and use that ATM. By the time I make it to the show and sit in my seat it's 5:05. WHEW! Thankfully the show is a local and laid-back show and it didn't start on time. 

You wanna know something.....even through all the barriers I went through to get to the show, I had a blast. Who knew you could go to something alone and still have a good time!  It was so motivating seeing all those people on stage and cheering for my trainer and his girlfriend. There was a womens figure competitor there that was 57 years old! She did outstanding! My trainer's girlfriend did amazing in the bikini round and placed 2nd. My trainer was awesome and placed 3rd in a large group of qualifiers. 


My trainer's girlfriend is on the right. She placed  2nd!

 Figure round (This is what class I want to compete in)

 This woman is 57!!!!!
My trainer is in the red shorts

Caleb (My trainer) placing 3rd

My trainer and his girlfriend Amanda (photo taken by his mom)

      Oh, I forgot to add, on top of everything, my nice expensive DSL camera decided not to work and I had to use my cell phone. 

       I learned a lot about myself last night. I can do these things! Even with all the obstacles in my way, I did it. I only had a slight moment when I wanted to turn around and go back home. I'm glad I didn't and was able to experience this and support my trainer and his girlfriend.  

Until next time, Stay Strong Iron Family.   

Ship is Safe in Harbor - Fine Art 8x10" Photography Print, Monterey Bay Boats, Quote Print, Harbor Quote. $25.00, via Etsy.:

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