Thursday, June 30, 2016

Week 9 Weigh in!

I was pleasantly surprised stepping on the scale this week! With having to take most of the week off from the gym to nurse an old softball knee injury and with the start of my cycle starting, I still had a great loss this week! 

 I wish the numbers came up better in the pictures, but as you can *barely* see, that's a 2 lbs weight loss this week! I am now down a total from my highest weight 23 lbs and since the start of this blog I am down 13 lbs!!!

So as I started this blog off with, last week was kinda of rough with going to the gym. I woke up one morning and my knee was really sore. I injured it about 10 years ago playing softball. I slipped rounding 2nd base and sprained a tendon. From time to time it'll still flare up. It's okay now and it only takes a few days from heavy activity for it to feel back to normal. 

 I have a new favorite meal this week. I've pretty much have made it for lunch everyday for the past week, lol. I slice mild Italian chicken sausage up in a pan and cook it up with egg whites. Throw it in a bowl and top it with Frank's hot sauce. It's fast, easy, and yummy!!!

Tomorrow, I'm going to work on a post about meals on the go!

Until tomorrow, Stay Strong Iron Family!!!!   

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