Thursday, June 16, 2016

Wednesday Weigh In and What's in My Gym Bag

Well I thought I set my post to go live for last week's weigh in. I guess my account knew something I didn't know, lol. Because when I stepped on the scale this week the same number flashed back at me. Part of me thinks I should be ashamed that there was no change in the number from last week to this week, but I'm not. The scale is just a number and the fact that my shorts are falling off me is a more realistic indicator. With weight training, I know that my numbers will be going up and down as I lose fat and gain muscle. 

 I know the picture still says week 6, lol. I just used the one that was supposed to post last week. This is actually week 7. I was doing a little happy dance when this number popped up. That's 4lbs in one week!!!!!!  

I thought I would do a blog that I see that is common on blogs and vlogs. I see a lot of competitors do this post and I thought hey, why not?  
  From left to right.... (1)Nathan water bottles, (2) my workout log from my gym, (3) NLA for Woman Uplift, (4) 1UP BCAA's, (5) Versa Gripps, (6) Sweet Sweat, (7)Bath and Body Works hand cream, (8) Lip Freak lip balm, and (9) my ear buds. The Sweet Sweat bag in the back I got from The Arnold at the booth.

1) These are my FAVORITE water bottles! I bought these from TJ MAXX and I love how easy they are to clean. I also like that they have two lids on them. Not only making it easy to wash them but to fill with ice. I hate when a bottle has a big mouth on it and you try to take a drink while doing cardio and you get splashed in the face. The smaller opening prevents that from happening. 

2) This is just a simple log I got from the gym. I don't actually write in it. My trainer however does. He writes down what we did during workouts so I can look back and also records my measurements in it. 

3) This is my favorite pre-workout! I currently have the raspberry lemonade flavor. I really like this blend because it doesn't cause my heart to race. (* I am not sensitive to caffeine and this product can have a different effect on each person) It also gives me just that little bit of energy to get my through a tough set or get in all my cardio. 

4) I love my BCAA's! This is that watermelon flavor and it's one of the best tasting. I hate drinks that have a strong sweetness to them when I workout because it causes my stomach to get upset. This product also includes glutamine and L-carnitine in the blend so I don't have to include them as a separate supplement. When I add this to my water during my workouts, it cuts muscle recovery time in half for me. 

5) I have weak wrist when it comes to doing heavy weighted back and leg workouts. These grips help me to pull more weight during deadlift and even lat pull downs. I haven't used them much so the leather is still a little stiff but with more use it'll soften up. 

6) Wanna sweat? Then let me introduce you to my little friend. Not only does this work to increase sweat and reduce water weight but it also smells soooooo good! It comes in a regular scent and coconut. The regular scent has a nice clean smell to it and comes in a jar like this one or a stick. Right now the coconut only comes in a jar. However, at The Arnold they were hinting that they are working on getting this in a stick form as well. I love rubbing this stuff on before my workout. I someone who loves to feel the sweat drip down my body. I know sweat isn't a true indicator of how hard you are working but for me it makes me feel like a beast when I sweat through a shirt. 

7) This is my favorite summer scent! It's the Bath and Body Works Sweet Strawberries and Cream. I throw this in my bag for when I'm done working out. It not only helps soften those wonderful callouses from weight training but also makes you smell nice after all that sweating. 

8) I carry chapstick or lip balm with me wherever I go and this is my favorite. I used to love Burt's Bees in the 90's. Remember how it would make your lips tingle? It seems like that tingle isn't as strong as it once was and well I really liked that feeling. This stuff is that tingle and plus some! The tingle comes from the cinnamon oil that they put in the product. I use the shade Berry Sinister. 

9) These a just simple ear buds that I picked up at TJ MAXX when my son broke my last pair. I pretty much only buy cheap pairs because I either lose them or they get broken. 

So there we have it Iron Family, that's my gym bag for you. 

Until next time Stay Strong Iron Family.      

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