Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Week 10 Weigh In and A Little Accident.....

Soooo if there's a lot of errors in this post, I'm sorry ahead of time. During this mornings workout I smashed my little finger between a 50 lbs barbell and a barbell rack. Thank goodness it was leg day and I was still able to finish my workout. I don't think I broke it but I'm still taping it to the finger next to it just for today. I'm just happy that 1) it could have been worse and 2) there was no damage to my wedding ring. 

This week's weigh in was shocking to say the least! GOODBYE 290's!!!!!!! I haven't been real clean with my diet and I skipped a workout last week. I have still been keeping all my meals within my marcos, even if some of the things haven't been on plan. I also learned that I can no longer tolerate dairy products. I ate a kiddy size ice cream and not only did I have an IBS flare up but also my face broke out. Looks like we may have found my IBS trigger.  
I'm keeping this post short only because it's hard to type right now and I plan on doing a longer post tomorrow. Also I've almost hit 1000 page views!!!! If I get a few more followers and hit 1200 page views I may do a surprise giveaway.  

Until next time, Stay Strong Iron Family!!!!  

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