Sunday, November 20, 2016

Update and struggles

     I'm really trying to keep up with this blog you guys, really I am. It's just really hard while I'm in school. Which brings me to my next point. I'm learning that while I'm in school is when I let myself slide on the weight loss and going to the gym. I really have no excuse not to go to the gym. I belong to not only the student rec. on campus that just got remodeled and is amazing but also a local gym with a child care center. I've been slacking BIG time on my diet as well. I jumped on the scale at the gym and I'm back up to 292 according to that scale. The damage could have been worse but it's still damage. 

I talked last time about doing the underwater weighing to calculate body fat last time. I can say I survived and I just went in there with confidence. Fake it till you make it, right? The worse part of the whole experience was on my 3rd and final time under the water I swallowed a huge gulp of the water when I came back up. 

I've been thinking of some future goals to hit when out of the blue I seen an ad for a Hot Chocolate 5K. My husband and I think it would be run to train for it and run it next year. It looks like so much fun! I haven't ran a 5K for about 5 years now and I think it'll be fun to train for something with my husband. He used to love running and he too let things slip as we've gotten older. 

I'm hoping to get a new scale come the first week in Dec. I know you read that it's unhealthy to weigh yourself everyday. However, I really like knowing what my body's normal is. I know that weight fluctuates daily but I like knowing by how much. Plus I miss sharing my Wednesday Weigh Ins. I think this has also contributed to the set back. There's a voice in me that reminds me I don't have a scale to worry about weighing in so why should I try. I know it's horrible to think this way and I need to change this way of thinking. 

Well, I must go....Homework is calling. Thankfully I only have class two days next week. 

Until next time....Stay Strong Iron Family.    

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