Friday, October 28, 2016

Slipping into old habits

Hello Iron Family!

     I know it's been a looooooong time since my last post. I will be honest and tell you I have once again put my fit goals on the back burner. I have let life challenges get in my way. I am a typical mom and  right now have to focus on my middle son. We have suspicions that he may also have autism. The past few months has been testing and specialist visits. We find out for sure on Nov. 10th when we meet with developmental specialist. 

    Another horrible event happened a few weeks ago. My beloved bathroom scale went to the scale graveyard. So right now I have no idea what I weigh. I have a feeling I won't be happy once I get a new one.

   Next week is going to interesting. As I've written about before I am currently in school for a degree in exercise science with a minor in nutrition. This coming Wednesday in my physiology lab I will have the underwater body testing done. I am both excited and absolutely terrified. I am excited because it's a great tool to have and I'm terrified that I will be in public wearing a bathing suit. I also have a small fear of water. 

     I really need to start blogging consistent again. I feel so much better mentally after I do, My goal is going to be writing at least 3 blogs a week. It'll be a challenge but I know it benefits me. 

Until next time, stay strong Iron Family!!